We Heart Makeovers!

Makeovers are always fun, right?
Well I gave the blog a redo, here at it’s new site. (By the way, notice that we don’t have as many girls actively participating. Need to find the stragglers and the old crew and make sure everyone got the memo about the domain move!) We have a new button! Be sure to grab it!

I just wanted to apologize for not visiting alot of your WHW posts recently! With the baby and the move (Oh yeah, not sure I mentioned that, but you can read about it on my own blog…) things have been hectic as traffic in downtown H-Lulu! That’s bad. Really bad.

But in my spare time I’ve managed to take care of everything blog & social network related. You can now find ME on twitter @brieguzik, on tumblr: brieguzik.tumblr.com, and my personal blog and former WHW host, briemarie.net, has now moved over to wordpress. (Which means you should go there, refollow, and catch my day-to-day there!) I follow back on each! :):)

See you Tuesday!

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
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1 Response to We Heart Makeovers!

  1. Amanda says:

    Love the new look! Perfect for Spring. Congrats on baby by the way =D I'm due in a couple weeks, can't wait!!

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