WHW: I Heart Laundry

Welcome to the 16th edition of We ♥ Wednesday: The meme celebrating pictures of the things you love, each week! There is one, and only one, rule: you must get your images from weheartit.com! That’s the whole point and inspiration behind this meme! Join in, fall in love, and link up your post!

I feel like I’ve been buried under laundry for ages. And no, I don’t love laundry. I just love the feeling of FINISHED laundry. And the smell. And warm clothes out of a dryer. And looking into my laundry room and seeing, well, nothing. *sigh* It’s coming along at last!

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
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3 Responses to WHW: I Heart Laundry

  1. Kaylee says:

    I have felt the exact same way!! Yayy for progress!

  2. Nicole says:

    hmmm why can't I see the entries?!

  3. Brie says:

    Not sure why, everyone, but Inlinkz has “updated” and their new link codes automatically disable the entries being visible! i have to go in and enable them AFTER the post goes live now. total headache!

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