WHW: I Heart Venting

Welcome to the 10th edition of We ♥ Wednesday: The meme celebrating pictures of the things you love, each week! There is one, and only one, rule: you must get your images from weheartit.com! That’s the whole point and inspiration behind this meme! Join in, fall in love, and link up your post!

*sigh* My WHW is not so ‘loving’ this week.You know when you feel like everything has been shit, and you can see that light at the end of the tunnel? And you’re telling yourself “just a bit further”!? Yeah, imagine you’re feet away… and the light goes out. Pissed much? Yes. The whole situation is just a nightmare but hopefully I’ll get it resolved, but for now I’m going to swear a lot, cry a lot, and be very moody. (Prego hormones may or may not help this.) This week, the only thing I’m ♥’ing is VENTING.

Linky open Tuesday-Thursday every week! Visit others that have linked up and see what everyone else is ♥’ing!

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
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4 Responses to WHW: I Heart Venting

  1. AngieDMac says:

    Awww, sorry you're feeling this way! Hope things turn up for the best! 🙂

  2. Adrienne says:

    Awe, Brie. I know, people are idiots. But it takes a lot more mind power to let it effect your whole day! Focus on your cutie pies and smile! 🙂

  3. Kaylee says:

    I have to say that I about died laughing when I read the cactus one!!

    People totally suck, and I have been saying that for years. It's okay to completely hate the world somedays (especially with prego hormones running through the extra 20 to 40% blood increase going on.)

  4. Amanda says:

    Ick, sorry you're having a bad day. Love the choice of photos though! lol

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