WHW: I Heart Nuptials

Welcome to the 9th edition of We ♥ Wednesday: The meme celebrating pictures of the things you love, each week! There is one, and only one, rule: you must get your images from weheartit.com! That’s the whole point and inspiration behind this meme! Join in, fall in love, and link up your post!

My sister-in-law is getting married in May of 2012! (Finally! They’ve been together FOREVER!) And I am so super excited because she’s asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, and Sophia (who will be three) is going to be her flower girl! I think Hubby’s going to be a groomsmen, too, actually! I love, love, love weddings and I am so flipping thrilled for these two! Sami was one of my bridesmaids, and I’m so happy she’s asked me to be in hers! This week, I heart weddings!

If there’s one thing Hubby and I agree on, it’s that we didn’t have the wedding we wanted. From the time we decided “Ya know what, let’s get married,” we planned it in 9-weeks. It was a ceremony of about 75+ people at the Holiday Inn ballroom, our colors were red white and blue (which I somehow felt was the only option I had so that Hubby wouldn’t look mismatched with the decor in his dress blues, and since then I’ve seen PLENTY of Marine weddings that used other colors!) we had to rent our own DJ equipment and have one of our groomsmen double as the DJ, we were working on a really small budget, and we had fried chicken and macaroni/cheese as our main dish. And, much as I love my mom, the pictures took FOREVER and I feel like we only got “standard” poses, like of the parties divided up and such. Not the pretty artsy photos that I see a lot of other married couples get at theirs.When we hit our ten-year anni, I’ll only be 28. Young enough to still rock a wedding dress, together long-enough to constitute a vow-renewal. And I am going to make it AMAZING.

Linky open Tuesday-Thursday every week! Visit others that have linked up and see what everyone else is ♥’ing!

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
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3 Responses to WHW: I Heart Nuptials

  1. Meghan says:

    That is so awesome that you're gonna be a bridesmaid! Cool that she was a bridesmaid in yours too! I heart weddings too! I often dream about what I want my wedding to be like.
    I grabbed your button by the way (:

  2. Adrienne says:

    🙂 I love it Brie! I love wedding pictures that people have. I definitely want to do a vow renewal later in life too! 🙂 How awesome. 🙂

  3. Amanda says:

    I agree with you 100%. We didn't have the wedding we wanted either. We planned ours in about 5 months, and we had a friend do the photography. Biggest mistake ever. If I could change one thing about my wedding.. I would have gotten a simpler dress, and used the money for a professional photographer!

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