WHW: I Heart Princesses

Welcome to the 8th edition of We ♥ Wednesday: The meme celebrating pictures of the things you love, each week! There is one, and only one, rule: you must get your images from weheartit.com! That’s the whole point and inspiration behind this meme! Join in, fall in love, and link up your post!

As you may know, Sophie has recently been moved out of the crib and into the toddler bed. To say it has been an easy transition would be a total lie. My husband is already begging me to put the crib back up. But that’s for another post, the important thing to know is that instead of putting Sophia to bed at her usual time of eight o’clock, that I now have to cuddle with her on the couch all night with the tv on until she falls asleep on the couch, and then carry her into her bed once she is asleep. To waste time and keep her curled up with me on the couch until the sandman comes, I’ve rediscovered Disney movies. Since I have a little girl, obviously most of these are of the princess variety. We watched the Princess and the Frog for the first time the other night, and it was so sweet to just sit there under a snuggie with a pillow pet and a little girl’s head in my lap while I ran my hands through her curls. A princess in my lap, and hopefully one in my belly! This week, I’m loving the Disney Princesses!

Ariel- Christina Aguilera, Jasmine- Rihanna, Snow White- Katy Perry, Cinderella- Lady Gaga,
Belle- Britney Spears, Tiana- Beyonce, Aurora- Madonna

The link-up is accessible every Tuesday through Thursday. Have fun, and be sure to visit other participants and see what everyone else is ♥’ing this week!

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
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3 Responses to WHW: I Heart Princesses

  1. Aww, I love the princesses. You just made my desire to go to Disneyworld again come alive once more! 🙂 xoxo

  2. Adrienne says:

    OH, I love looking what the cartoons would look like in real life! 🙂 Favorites!! Yay, gonna work on my we heart it wednesday post, RIGHT NOW!! Woot

  3. Bonnie says:

    I frickin' love the Disney Princesses!! And when I go to Disney World in a few weeks, I'm totally going to get my picture taken with every single one of them 😀

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