What Do You Heart?

I’ve fallen in love.
With weheartit.com.

It’s a wonderful place, full of wonderful things, collected and submitted by YOU, that you love! And it’s my latest obsession. If you find a cute image on the web somewhere and you think “oh my gosh, i love that,” you can add it to your collection by adding the i♥it bookmarklet to your browser ad-ons, clicking an image, and it’ll show up on your weheartit profile, sweetly named, “your heart”. {view mine here.}

Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of the women I follow are participating in Wordless Wednesdays, but instead of uploading their own photos, they’re uploading inspiring photos, and graphics, and lovable images and pictures of quotes in their posts instead. It’s always fun for me to check out their finds, but it doesn’t really go with Wordless Wednesday’s purpose, so I’m inviting lovers of all things/graphics/quotes/icons cute to participate in a new meme that just feels -made- for my new blog and direction, affectionately called…

{copy & paste the code above.}

I want to see what you ♥! The pretty, the emotional, the deep, the sad, the epic awesome and more. Share your amazing internet finds that you heart with me. {And don’t be surprised when I add them to my collection too.}

I know that today is Monday, but because this is my first edition and I want to give anyone interested time to join in, I’m opening up the linky now! I can’t wait to see all the wonder and tid bits of inspiration you post! Thanks for joining in! I promise to make it a point to visit & comment on EVERY entry!

As always, I heart YOU!

This week, I ♥:

{my favorite EVER from the incredible brichan}

About Briemarie

Young momma and military wife, living a Hawaii life.
This entry was posted in weheartwednesday. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to What Do You Heart?

  1. I have to check it out and hopefully I can participate! 🙂 xoxo

  2. Amber says:

    those are too too cute!!!! I'm going to have to check that out! 🙂

  3. Kaylee says:

    I love this idea.. give me a day or two 🙂

  4. What a great idea, Brie! I signed up for an account and am now “following” you. (I still think that sounds so stalkerish.) 😉 Looking forward to participating. I need to find some stuff to ❤ first.

  5. Bobbi Janay says:

    This is an awesome idea.

  6. looks like fun! would definitely love to do this!

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